Digital Literacy and Open Content Curation for CLIL

Digital literacy is surfing the net with a critical eye. Designing a digital project, including digital resources and content in it often involves remixing content created by others.

Digital citizenship implies the responsible use of online images, texts, videos, audios and so forth. We must learn to respect copyright, and to identify where we have found images, text, sounds, videos, and so on, so we can teach our students to be respectful too.

Part of digital citizenship and literacy is that we have to responsibly use online materials. We want students to learn to respect copyright, and to identify where they found materials so we, as educators, must set an example and do what we have to do.

In order to create CLIL eprojects one will include material one has found on the Internet. We will include images, lesson ideas, articles, audios, videos and materials created and shared by other individuals. Creative Commons licensing has become a simple way for people to define how their images (and other works) can be used.

The author of the content can use the free licensing tool from the Creative Commons Organization to choose the best license. An image and text is generated for the author to post along with their content such as the one shown below.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Surf the links below and find Creative Commons resources that might be useful for CLIL eprojects as well as interesting links to learn more about digital literacy.

Feel free to contribute to the social lists, too!

Public domain resources are free and can be used without any restrictions. Public Domain works are those which: go into public domain because they lack copyright or their copyright is out of date their author has granted them to the public domain. Although they are completely free and do not need to be attributed, it is always advisable to cite the source.

In order to reflect about which attitudes one needs to develop digital literacy, it is extremely important to interact and share common knowledge, as well as to be aware of responsible use policies. It is time to begin thinking of Open Educational Resources and doing the right thing.

That is why at the Master's Degree for The Use of ICT and Web Resources for Primary CLIL Teaching, we have opened a Bank of Common Knowledge for CLIL e-projects and are contributing to gather Open Educational Material that might be later integrated in classroom practices.

If you are interested in contributing, feel free to ask for and invitation and become a collaborator of our Open CLIL board.

Follow Mª Jesús's board Open CLIL on Pinterest.
