30 Goals Challenge For Educators 2016

2016 is coming soon and so is a new edition of the famous collaborative educational initiative hosted by Shelly Sánchez Terrell: 30 Goals Challenge For Educators.

The adventure is back! 

Cycle 7 of the project, Make it Meaningful!, is now announced and looking for teachers willing to collaborate and be part of the challenge themselves.

Are you ready to be inspired and inspire, too?

If you are, start by filling in the 2016 form and propose a goal for teachers worldwide to accomplish. 

Create a short video 1 to 4 minutes. It will be posted at 30Goals.com and TeacherRebootCamp.com and shared on the project social networks. 

The goal should be something we can achieve in an hour or less and general for all teachers to accomplish. no matter the content area. 

See these examples: http://bit.ly/30goalsheartmind & http://bit.ly/30goalsschoolintro
